Ford Mustang GT 1968

Scale n/a

SKU J6035

Manufacturer Airfix (Quickbuild)

Price: £17.99

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The 1967 model year Mustang was the first significant redesign of the original model.

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The 1967 model year Mustang was the first significant redesign of the original model. Ford’s designers began drawing up a larger version even as the original was achieving sales success. In 1968 the Fastback version appeared and achieved greatness via the power of Hollywood and a famed movie, making the Mustang the must-have car of the era and still a much beloved car into the next century.

Ford Motors Company Trademarks and Trade Dress used under license to Hornby Hobbies. Manufactured by Hornby Hobbies Ltd.

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Airfix (Quickbuild)

