Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.6

Scale 1/48

SKU 87251

Manufacturer Hobby Boss

Price: £16.99

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1 in stock


Hobby Boss 1/72 Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.6

The Hawker Sea Hawk is a British single-engine single engine in-flight jet fighter with all-metal construction. The flight of the prototype (designated as P.1040) took place in 1947, and the machine entered service in March 1953. She remained there until 1983, becoming the FAA’s main “workhorse” during this period. The plane turned out to be a very successful construction, powered by a Rolls-Royce Nene 103 engine. Hawker Se Hawk was exported to the Netherlands, Germany and India, but its main user was the British FAA. Several versions of this aircraft were created, the most important of which are: F.1 (fighter version), FB.3 (fighter-bomber version) and FGA.6 with the new Rolls-Royce Nene Mk 103 engine. Technical data: length: 12.09m , wingspan: 11.89m, height: 2.64m, maximum speed: 965km / h, rate of climb: 29m / s, maximum range: 770km, maximum ceiling 13500m, armament: fixed – 4 Hispano Mk.V cannons, caliber 20mm Suspended – up to 908 kg of bombs or rockets.

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